These poets can offer a variety of sessions for a range of key stages – from young children to older students. Just click on the photos to see what they can provide.


Atta, Dean

Bateson-Hill, Margaret

Beresford, Jason

Bertulis, Debra

Billings, Ian


Carter, James

Clarke, John Irving

Coe, Justin

Coelho, Joseph

Cookson, Paul

Dougherty, John

Durant, Alan

Goodfellow, Matt

Henderson, Stewart

Johnson, Dr Mike

Lamb, Simon

McLeod, The Brothers

Morgan, Michaela

Mucha, Laura

Patten, Brian

Roberts, Ros

Ryan, Pat

Salter, Miles

Scott, Kate

Seed, Andy

Seigal, Joshua

Tasane, Steve

Taylor, Sean

Weale, Andrew